Friday, January 05, 2007

Been so long since the last time I blogged.
Good to see so many of you guys tagging, but it's kinda sad to actually realize most bloggers blog when they are the most depressed.
And the greatest surprise is that there is no surprise I am the same.

Well, everything happened real fast.

You see, a chocolate mud bath would be really nice!
But if there's someone in it with you, it's kinda infuriating.
Not so bad if it's someone you don't know, or dislike 'cause you would fight to protect your prerogative to indulge.
Someone you are close with would rouse your conscience to share this luxury which has brought out the selfish-you out of your shell.

Then suddenly, you are enlightened. You came to know that the chocolate mud bath has already someone in it, and neither you or your close friend could eliminate that someone for he's already fused with the chocolate mud bath.

-The end.

Ps: The two friends lived happily ever after...

Yours truely, Zhikai
|1:34 AM|

Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's been a really beautiful day, it's always been.

But today, it seems, especially.

Yours truely, Zhikai
|11:06 AM|

Saturday, September 09, 2006

My friends have been telling me that I am very cynical.
Well, I think they are then cynical.
On what ground am I saying this?

You see, a self-proclaimed optimist always writes/says
"Cynics will say that..."
"Cynics will jump at..."
"Cynics wil..."

And so it is, these "optimists" holds on firm that cynics are cynical, and sees no hope in them being optimistic. Unconsciously, they are then the cynics.

While, on the other hand, cynics prove to be optimistic as they have a strong faith that everything has no value, and so they insist that there is no way something will have a value no matter how much a person tries to prove the worth of something. And in the end, the something remains valueless. In this way, time and time again, a cynic's hypothesis is proven right in his own way. And he gains hope each time, and becomes certain of his belief, thus remaining optimistic about it.

Well, I think optimists are just sad case 'cause they are in dillusion that they are optimistic when in fact they are not all that after all. And cynics are just plain idiots when they seek to find flaws out of something they brand as nothing. How can nothing have flaws I would ask?

So, these 2 groups of people who assume, think, claim, announce, they are opposites of each other are actually parallel and in fact subset of each other.
So I hope they will live happily ever after.

Yours truely, Zhikai
|1:51 AM|

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Boy: Daddy, I'm feeling lost.
Dad: Tell me about it, son.
Boy: I'm trying to find something I can't seem to find.
Dad pat son on his head, and said, "You're thinking too much, boy. It's time for bed.
Run along."

The next day, dad woke up to find boy in a pool of his own blood from his mouth.
Right beside him was a piece of paper, it wrote:
I finally found it.
The something I couldn't seem to find.
I realised I have to drop the Treasure in the feeling of being LOST,
to fully appreciate Sorrow.
I'm hurting now.
But at the same time, I feel joy.
For I finally found the thing I thought I could never find.
I found LOSS.
It's beautiful.

Yours truely, Zhikai
|9:36 AM|

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The lightnings flashed.
The thunders roared after.
At least the skies are lashed.
At least nature's not bashed.

The concrete ground.
The rock as pillow.
At least sleep knows no bound.
At least dreams can be found.

The eyes of rain.
The skin like zipper, it tears.
At least I can feel pain.
At least my feelings' not a lain.

Do I have to try?
How Humpty-Humpty Felt?
Where do I pry?
What makes me go dry?

Yours truely, Zhikai
|10:09 PM|

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I want the clouds as my blanket.
I want the moon as my bedside lamp.
I want the stars as the sugar in my tea.

I see only darkness when morning comes.
I hear only weeping when noon arrives.
I taste only alkali when dusk falls.

When I feel cold, someone on the heater.
When I feel tired, someone sings me a lullaby.
When I can't find my way, someone navigates for me.

Yours truely, Zhikai
|7:50 PM|

Friday, July 21, 2006

Mr. Black stood at the traffic junction,
And he crossed when the red man lights.

Mrs. White lied on her bed,
And she took the sleeping pills when dawn arrives.

Miss. Grey was ill and saw the doctor,
And she started consuming the medicine when she's fine.

And they did what they wished to live up to their names.
Stereotypes, aren't they?

Yours truely, Zhikai
|10:47 PM|

I love movies.

They reaffirm my thoughts, and prove that some of my perceptions are not absurd.

They open my mind to ideas that I never thought of.
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